lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Intercultural Relationships: my big fat greek wedding

Nowadays it is really commun to find families with different cultural roots, because love caught them.

This movie is a perfect example of what happen in many cultures, where people try to acept their traditions but they can not fight against their feelings and instict. Like Toula, there are many women that have been in the same situation and they have followed their feeling to be happy in their life next to their real love.

But for these communities, it not easy to acept the contradiction of love,against their culture. They think that culture and behavior and traditions are to respect and to do as last generations have done it. Nevertheless, we are human beings that think about goods and bads, our feeling have not explanation, we just know that they make us feel good no matter what society says.

Cultures are differet but, as humans, we are different too. Toula was an example about how our feeling could make us get success and happiness in our life.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Why English is used on spanish web sites, to teach about Holidays?

Each country has its own culture, customs and languaje. Formerly, each country lived in its own territoy and they didn´t leave it. But, nowadays all this cultures are traveling aroung the world and showing them selves. A the same time, the other cultures learn about the foreigners that are visiting them. Cultures, customs and languajes are visiting the different parts of the world and foreigners are teaching their native culture to other people. This is the great example about English. In the last years, english was a languaje in US, but because of the globalization, english is in every part of the planet.

Those web sites are from latin and asian culture, Why does this cultures uses english, to talk about their own holidays?

english has become it in the main languaje around the world. In every part of the world, native english or british people are living. Even people from other culture have learned english to communicate them with the mayority of the internacional cultures.

English is everywhere, this web sites are just they way to express information about their own culture, and the use the way, the languaje that they know that is known all around the world, English. they know that people from every country speak english and undertand the information. they know that there are people around the world interested in to learn more about other cultures and english is the way to do it, to express them globally

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Graffiti: Barranquilla, Colombia.

On internet we can find the definition of graffiti as all of those graphic representations on walls, public places, cars, or a urban good. But, in one image may have a thousand words and ideas. 

Graffiti is the most popular way to express what we think about something, usually painting on the walls.Unfortunately, the society is not prepared to understand how urban painting can show the reality, or even the mind of a introvert artist, and as human beings, we need to express what we think; talking, singing, playing, or painting. Sometimes, this artists are hiden on the streets just living their lifes and don´t thinking about how to make money for their creations,  Artists that just think about the day of today, how to survive and show the other way to see the life, using color and forms, art. 

Their creations speaks by themselves. Using different elements and combination of pigments on the urban canvas. Besides, they have a clasification according to how they were painted: 

Verbal Graffiti: this one, uses only letters and words. It is direct about the idea.
verbal grafitti image, taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Iconic Graffiti: this one express an ironic idea, using a picture or a figure. 
Banksy, (2013),Peace-Dove taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Verbal-Iconic Graffiti: it is a combination of verbal and ironic one. It uses picture and figures, characters talking about the topic.
 Banksy, (2013), Robot taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Firm Graffiti: they are usualy the firm of the author or the name of the street band. It uses just a name and twisted letters with crazy colors.
Spin Graffic taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Abstracts: they express the hiden idea of the author about a topic. This method was used in "The Revival" in that time artists used to paint what the tought and then cover it with a "normal" painting.
Jr. Quilca, (2011), Alien, taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Sculture: it is not common to use it, but it is an element painted or not, used with a different intention. 
they are clasificated according to what they are expressing: ecologycal, political.
Sculture image, taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

In barranquilla, this subculture has started to show to the sociey how to see the life with other eyes. Mona Lisa  has had many different presentations, expressing how diverse is art. National Simbols as Cayena flower and Esthersita Forero has being painted on the walls next to The Holy Cathedral. By the way, nowadays The   Coliseum of Humberto Perea, next to the CUC Univercity has been used as a white and clean cavas for the street artists around there.

"Orquidea", taken on 16/04/2013 recovered from

Art is necessary for human life. why?,  because,  under the society chains, humans need the way to go away from this land and let their mind fly and exist freely.

Let´s make art, part of our lifes. 


domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

How sports, hobbies and music shaped my own personal culture

the question is. ¿ how hobbies makes us what we are?

Any people needs to be someone, to feel comfortable with their personality and what they are.

When we start to grow up, we start to discover what life has for us and we realized that there are many thing to do that makes us feel bored or easily feel really happy or complete. That are the thing that make us special persons, because to do that kind of activities; sports, for example, develops our personal skills.

Also, we leave this world when we practice those hobbies that make us feel happy. it helps us to keep going in our life and dont pay attention to the pressure that society makes us feel.

There is not much to say in this post, because the important thing is that Hobbies, makes us what we are, that is it. Because they develop our real skills and make us feel happy, no matter what happen in our life. they take us away from the problematic and concerns world, just for a little moment, but that moment is the best one to become into a better person and member of the society by your own happiness and personal culture.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Answers about Kariuki´s blog

This video shows how kenyans live in their own territory, and have fear about not to survive.
unforunatelly the most common job in Nairobi, Kenya, is called Matatu Driving. they are taxi driver, but it has created rumos and stereotypes about this workers; like the poorest people or the dangerous transportation because the many accidents that have occured.

Sometimes Matatu drivers have to break the rules. It´s not allow to pick passages in any place, and if the cousil officials catch them, they could go to prison. But what can they do? that´s their daily life, scaping of the police, trying to get enogh money to suport their families and living in terror about to go to prison.

Kenya is a place with so many poverty. A kenya man said: "30 millions of people are hustlers and 8 millions are the reachest", that´s the difference in the society, poverty vs. wealth. Social class and education are the perfect example about what´s happening all around the world. the differences and the circumstances of many people trying to survive and be strong to the obstacles.

James Kariuki wanted to be a great writer, the reason why he desided to become in a blogger, to express what he feels and what he is living in Kenya. his life and the truth about what´s happen. Billy, a publisher of a very important blog, wanted to help to Kariuki because they had the same idea about show the reality of the events. the real social events that happened in Nairobi.

A person who usually scape of the justice is call a "reluctant outlaw". Kariuki was this kind of person, but not just because he wanted to. He had to do it because was the only way to support to his family. The only way to survive in that society.

Comparing this event in Kenya with Barrnaquilla and its mototaxistas and bus drivers, there are so many differences, because in barranquilla is more common this job than the other countries like the one of the video. Colombians are more respectful about jobs, compared with Nairobis. Perhaps colombians would read a blog from a bus driver, but it depends about the quality.

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Violence against Afrocolombians: we make the change.

In all around the world the African culture has been considered as the poorest culture of them all. their education is low and their population is one of the highest in every country.

Nowadays, African culture is even in colombia, and its called as Afrocolombians. they still mantain their customs and beliefs no matter where they were living or doing. But what are this culture doing in colombia, a subdevelped country?. Some of them has arrived to colombia to space of the violence from other countries communities that doesn´t accept the differences between them.
the time´s passed and all this africans has created new generations which lives in colombia as Afro descendants. however this culture has the same problems as their predecessors; they have poor education and almost no economy to survive in this society. Besides, they are victims of different types of violence; social, physical, verbal, sexual, etc. what are we doing? they are just humans trying to live as normal as other people.

But society is totally changed. Americans or even mayority of white people have though that just because we are "the white race", we have to, or we have the possibility to control african or african decendants and if they refuse is fine to use violence just because they are "minority" nowadays. unfortunatelly Racism, slavery and murders are the main problems for this culture.THAT´S THE WRONG MIND.

In the other hand, we have the opportunity to make a real change to help this people. Perhaps, we don´t have a lot of money to give, but we have the gift of change minds and make the world realize about what they are doing against human life.