martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Barranquilla - 2013 Cultural Capital (answers)

At first, Barranquilla was choosen as 2013 Cultural Capital, just beacuse the reason why it has always been popular, because its happiness, positivism and perfect demonstrations of a cultural community. Other cities was choosen before, but the patriotism for cultural history, in Barranquilla is unique, and it perfectly shows how culture can change people and countries.
At the same time Barranquilla gets this recognition, its popilarity around the wold start to increase, no just because its national celebration, also because it´s going to be internationaly identified as a great place to visit and learn some more thing about real love for culture.

What did i do on Carnaval week?

Hello, i´m alex and i´m from Venezuela but i´ve been living in barranquilla since 7 or 8 years ago, and i´ve learned not just about how colombians are. i´ve learned about costums, behavior, history and many good things about Barranquilla´s Culture. it´s amazing how just one celebration can collect a lot of history and so many feelings from barranquilla´s people and participants of The Carnival.
To be honest, i really didn´t go to any caracteristic event of the carnival, but, it doesn´t mean that i did nothing.
For me, my favorite part of the Carnival was to go out with my close friends and just to be with them kidding and laughing. we really were not at the carnival, but the happiness of it was in the air and it made us to feel good, together and happy enjoying the party atmosphere. It was Excelent.

Tinariwen Video (answers)

what did i learn?
there are many different cultures around the world that we ignore. Even the most peaceful cultures have a lot of samples of history that can show us a different point of view about life.

The video shows a few details about TuaReg culture. But we can see how they appreciate nature and how they express what they love, what they want to be and feelings through music. Also, the video shows a very meticulous Tea ceremony, that is a mystery if we don´t investigate about it; but it could be an example of many rituals from other cultures where they use the same idea, "to be together", friends or family.

An American teaching in Uganda. (answers)

In the world there are so many different ways to think, culture makes us to think different. In that blog we could see two different cultures, like black or african people, who works really hard every day to get enough money to survive, and the white people who are "cult" and works running a company or simple employees. Two lives that for me they could be just stereotypes where we base our way to think about every detail in these two cultures.

Sometimes two cultures can live in the same place, but it doesn´t mean they understand each other. Miscommunication is really commun nowadays, just because is difficult to us, to catch the same idea we think, but in different order, i mean, culture has teach us that there´s just one way to think, and the other ones have different context or they are just wrong.
Of course, many people have learn how to have an open mind and how to adapt or acept and idea from other culture; this allow us to explore, all the world´s minds without any probem.
But the lack of open mind in the world´ve generates wars, problem, separation of nations or friends. That´s the reason why the blank and white man had problems, because they didn´t try to understand each other.

Different cultures, different ways to think, to talk and understand.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Socio-Political Egypt

Egypt is a country in north africa and one of the most populous countries in this continet and the middle east, also the 15th most populated in the entire world. So, imagine all the different minds in this country, all the different ways to think and the desires to go ahead and to be successful. But in this society, to think about that, is not enough. You need do something, you need to show and express what you want and what you need, even if you have to go against society.This one, is the most common reason why there are so many controversial problems in this country, like social and political ones, because people want to be free,want to express, (no like town), like a real comunity country. But to do that, firstly they have to break the customs on the government, "the law", and of course, comparing it with other countries, it makes it seem like a total brutal and problematic place in the world  (just because they´ve found the way to make the society listens to them).

Look at this article: "The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 ... took place following a popular uprising that began on 25 January 2011. It was mainly a campaign of non-violent civil resistance, which featured a series of demonstrations, marches, acts of civil disobedience and labor strikes. Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Despite being predominantly peaceful in nature, the revolution was not without violent clashes between security forces and protesters, with at least 846 people killed and 6,000 injured. Protests took place in Cairo, Alexandria, and in other cities in Egypt, following the Tunisian revolution that resulted in the overthrow of the long-time Tunisian president." taken from

First, what did they want? 
they wanted peace, no civil violence, better living conditions. they were against police brutality, high unemplogyment rate, no food, no places to live and no good salaries, corruption. 

What did they receive ?

Of course, you can be that person who says: "well...if they wanted to get all that, they shouldn´t make that kind of mess!"... but... think a little bit more about that, Are you sure? Is there another way to make society, GOVERNMENT, listen to you, to Us? another way to not make A LOT OF red tape and be forgotten under the others "important problems". (because we know, sometimes government has secrects, and "try" to help us, but what they really want is just to help themselves)

People,bloggers, i´m not saying that egyptians are the most peaceful people in the world. I´m just showing the way to think about all the real factors that causes this "problems" or "socio-political events". And not to make conclusions about what media is presenting us.

You decide. believe what you are watching or investigated and realize about the truth.



Hi everyone. my name is Alexander, but well... its a little bit long so, i´m just Alex. I´m from Valencia, Venezuela and at the moment i´m living in Barranquilla, Colombia, a really interesting city. 

I´m studying Electrical Ing. because i feel interesting all the energy world; why something works and how it works using any kind of energy. Also, i know English is important nowadays, so i´m studying English too, my English is not perfect like whose other ones; like u could see in this text, but i´m working on it.

I like to meet new people and get information about anything that it could help me in the future; cooking, science, religion, creation, sports, fashion, culture, history, whatever.
"I just know, that i don´t know" that´s what Socrates said, and that´s what i´m using now to get success in my live, because, we are just humans, and all the information around the world and about the world is is hide for our minds.It´s really fun to find this hidden things and to realize that reality is not like we though about.

I could say, I´m a simple guy, but sometimes i get so methodological, and suddenly everything have to has an order and place.
In my free time i like to swim, watch movies, play video games and listen to English pop music but not too laud.
Not everybody is a "Friend". that´s a really important word for me, and those persons are IMPORTANT for me.

Well, this is me, summarily ... nice to meet you.