martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


Hi everyone. my name is Alexander, but well... its a little bit long so, i´m just Alex. I´m from Valencia, Venezuela and at the moment i´m living in Barranquilla, Colombia, a really interesting city. 

I´m studying Electrical Ing. because i feel interesting all the energy world; why something works and how it works using any kind of energy. Also, i know English is important nowadays, so i´m studying English too, my English is not perfect like whose other ones; like u could see in this text, but i´m working on it.

I like to meet new people and get information about anything that it could help me in the future; cooking, science, religion, creation, sports, fashion, culture, history, whatever.
"I just know, that i don´t know" that´s what Socrates said, and that´s what i´m using now to get success in my live, because, we are just humans, and all the information around the world and about the world is is hide for our minds.It´s really fun to find this hidden things and to realize that reality is not like we though about.

I could say, I´m a simple guy, but sometimes i get so methodological, and suddenly everything have to has an order and place.
In my free time i like to swim, watch movies, play video games and listen to English pop music but not too laud.
Not everybody is a "Friend". that´s a really important word for me, and those persons are IMPORTANT for me.

Well, this is me, summarily ... nice to meet you.

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