martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Answers about Kariuki´s blog

This video shows how kenyans live in their own territory, and have fear about not to survive.
unforunatelly the most common job in Nairobi, Kenya, is called Matatu Driving. they are taxi driver, but it has created rumos and stereotypes about this workers; like the poorest people or the dangerous transportation because the many accidents that have occured.

Sometimes Matatu drivers have to break the rules. It´s not allow to pick passages in any place, and if the cousil officials catch them, they could go to prison. But what can they do? that´s their daily life, scaping of the police, trying to get enogh money to suport their families and living in terror about to go to prison.

Kenya is a place with so many poverty. A kenya man said: "30 millions of people are hustlers and 8 millions are the reachest", that´s the difference in the society, poverty vs. wealth. Social class and education are the perfect example about what´s happening all around the world. the differences and the circumstances of many people trying to survive and be strong to the obstacles.

James Kariuki wanted to be a great writer, the reason why he desided to become in a blogger, to express what he feels and what he is living in Kenya. his life and the truth about what´s happen. Billy, a publisher of a very important blog, wanted to help to Kariuki because they had the same idea about show the reality of the events. the real social events that happened in Nairobi.

A person who usually scape of the justice is call a "reluctant outlaw". Kariuki was this kind of person, but not just because he wanted to. He had to do it because was the only way to support to his family. The only way to survive in that society.

Comparing this event in Kenya with Barrnaquilla and its mototaxistas and bus drivers, there are so many differences, because in barranquilla is more common this job than the other countries like the one of the video. Colombians are more respectful about jobs, compared with Nairobis. Perhaps colombians would read a blog from a bus driver, but it depends about the quality.

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