martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

An American teaching in Uganda. (answers)

In the world there are so many different ways to think, culture makes us to think different. In that blog we could see two different cultures, like black or african people, who works really hard every day to get enough money to survive, and the white people who are "cult" and works running a company or simple employees. Two lives that for me they could be just stereotypes where we base our way to think about every detail in these two cultures.

Sometimes two cultures can live in the same place, but it doesn´t mean they understand each other. Miscommunication is really commun nowadays, just because is difficult to us, to catch the same idea we think, but in different order, i mean, culture has teach us that there´s just one way to think, and the other ones have different context or they are just wrong.
Of course, many people have learn how to have an open mind and how to adapt or acept and idea from other culture; this allow us to explore, all the world´s minds without any probem.
But the lack of open mind in the world´ve generates wars, problem, separation of nations or friends. That´s the reason why the blank and white man had problems, because they didn´t try to understand each other.

Different cultures, different ways to think, to talk and understand.

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